Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Golden Fox

With school wrapping up, dance recitals to attend, birthdays to be celebrated, and work events to plan, June has been a bit overwhelming, but that hasn't stopped me from sampling egg sandwiches, just from writing about them.

The Sunday after the aforementioned dance recital we went around the corner to the Golden Fox to get some eggs before family hit the road out of town. It was curiously empty for a weekend and with six of us we headed to the overflow dining room in the back. We had the place to ourselves which was nice, though kind of eerie, but seeing as how the last few times I was there when it was full I was witness to some of the most depressing overheard conversations, loud phone rings, and an unusually testy waitress, this was a treat. With the luck I had with rye toast at Jim's Restaurant I repeated the fried egg, cheese, and bacon on toast. With home fries. With onions. You can order them without, but why would you?!

This was a couple of weeks ago so the details are foggy, but rye toast is a pretty sure bet. Crunchy, flavorful - an excellent compliment to the the eggs, salt, and salt. I mean egg, cheese, and bacon. I've had varying results with getting fancy at the Golden Fox but they've got this basic breakfast down. Home fries were delicious and onion-y to boot.

The Golden Fox
1115 Culver Road, 14609
Sandwich cost: Dang, forgotten. Let's say in the $3-4 range
Rating: That's a good, reliable breakfast sandwich

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